Would you like to attract more Facebook traffic to your website? Is quality Facebook traffic important for your business?
Ensuring that those who like your page reach your website is even more critical when we take into account the recent announcement of a dramatic decrease in the organic reach of pages.
Use these five steps to help you drive more Facebook traffic to your website.
Ensure a frequent rhythm of new content that can be shared on your website
If you have a website that never changes, you're going to have to work hard to attract significant traffic. Publishing the same links to the same page on your website over and over again will seem too futile.
Nowadays the name of the game is content marketing and, the best thing for you, is that you start to understand how your business can participate.
The new content you publish on your website is important – not just for your social media management as well as for the search engine optimization (SEO). It is clear that Google values sites that present new content on a regular basis with better positioning. However, it's important to realize that you don't have to publish epic articles three times a week to win the battle of content marketing. Posting something new and useful once a week, or even once a month, will benefit your website traffic.
Here are some quick ideas that can help you brainstorm about what new content to add to your website:
- Publish a weekly tip about your niche. It doesn't have to be very long; a paragraph or two with a good image will do the trick. You can start, for example, with your customers’ most frequently asked questions.
- Publish a weekly news summary with a photo about what is happening in your business. This example works well for those who have events.
- Select a list of ten useful articles that you found this week, adding a short sentence with why you liked them.
- Interview someone from your office or industry. The interview does not have to be live or with video (if it were, even better). You can send the interviewee a preliminary list of 5 to 10 questions.
Make sharing content from your website to Facebook easier
As soon as you have new content, you need to make it possible to share it. Your first step will be add functionality and share on social media or share buttons on facebook on your website.
We like to use the Digg Digg plugin as it allows you to use all the most important buttons next to the article as the reader scrolls down. However, it also allows you to add static sharing buttons at the beginning and/or end of the article.
Don't ignore the sharing buttons on individual pages of your website. While people certainly won't share your contact page, you may have good content on your site that you might want allow people to share it easily.
Also consider asking for a share on Facebook if you think your article would be particularly useful. Remind readers at the end of your article by writing something like, “Did you find this article interesting/useful? Take the liberty of sharing it on Facebook using the buttons below.” Keep in mind that most people won't mind sharing something they found useful. When you're creating content, Always keep your customer's benefit in mind.
Optimize your Facebook Posts
Your next step should be to optimize the way you publish. There are basically three different ways to publish a link to your website, and depending on your audience (and how Facebook's algorithm is working at the time), you may get different results when you're trying to attract more traffic from Facebook.
The traditional way to publish a link is to copy and paste the link in your state and allow the link to fetch the photograph and metadata. The issue with this method is that the photograph that will appear will be smaller if it does not respect the 1.91:1 aspect ratio.
Another way to publish a link is to post an image and then add the link in the status update with a short description of the link. The great advantage of this method is that the description will always be next to the image when it is shared, so you will better control the message that will be conveyed. Another advantage is that photographs will appear larger in the news feed.
Another technique that has gained popularity in the past to obtain more reach is publish the link in the status update and then remove it from the data so that the post is considered text only, even if it has a link. In the past, the big advantage of this technique was that text-only posts were getting more reach.
However, Facebook recently announced that new algorithm will show fewer text posts originating from pages. Therefore, we will always have to measure how the effectiveness of this strategy will change in the near future.
Knowing all these approaches, you will need to test which one gets the most engagement and will bring you the most traffic from Facebook.
Once you publish content, you might consider increasing your reach with some paid advertising. But here we go.
Optimize all sections of Facebook by adding links to your website
To attract more traffic from Facebook, ensure you have links in other sections of your Facebook page that people can also visit.
Use the “About” section to direct people to different areas of your website.
Add links to your milestones.
Add links to your photo descriptions, because when someone clicks on the image they will always be shown the description.
Use custom applications with links to your website. Consider, for example, an application like NetworkedBlogs to attract traffic from Facebook to your blog articles automatically.
Optimize your personal profile. Don't neglect your own personal profile when you're trying to attract more Facebook traffic to your website. Make sure you're sharing your blog articles on your personal profile and optimize your own personal description with links.
Facebook advertising can be an excellent option to drive more traffic from Facebook to your website if you have the budget for it. And, with recent announcements about the decline in organic reach, advertising will be an even more critical factor for those working in the digital marketing.
To attract more Facebook traffic to your website, you can create one announcement from scratch with a link to your website or, on the other hand, boost content that has already been published. When promoting content, always remember to publish something that does not have an image with more than 20% of text, otherwise the ad will not be approved by Facebook. You can also use a Facebook tool to measure the amount of text.
One issue we've already noticed is that boosting a post doesn't usually result in a large number of clicks. It usually gets more likes and comments on the post, which boosts the engagement of the post itself. However, if what you really want is to attract more traffic from Facebook to your website, you will have better results. use the ad manager and choose that same objective.
Remember of use news feed ads to help you improve your click-through percentage, since the ads in the right column receive very few clicks.
Focus on your goal: attracting more traffic from Facebook
Finally, have the Sure you know why you want to attract more traffic from Facebook. If your website is not optimized for conversion, it is completely failing its purposes.
Every piece of content on your website should do something to escort your potential customer through the sales funnel. You can ask your visitors to comment on your article, or encourage them to sign up for a freebie so that you can include them in your regular newsletter or even for them to contact you by phone.
What do you think of this? Have you found any techniques that work well in attracting more Facebook traffic to your website? Share your questions and comments below.