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Five Tips for Engaging Fans with Facebook

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With the huge amount of active users, Facebook is a monstrous marketing opportunity. This is why an increasing number of companies are positioning themselves to take advantage of this opportunity. According to a September 2012 study, conducted by HubSpot experts, 42% of marketing technicians consider Facebook as an integral part of their marketing strategy. Even though a substantial percentage of companies and brands have pages, at this point, simply being on Facebook is not enough. For a page to be effective as a marketing tool, you must spend time cultivating and maintaining an active user base who engages with your brand.

1. Be Nice.

Facebook is like high school, with the added bonus that it is running for elections. People who like your brand or business may “like” it, but it’s the personality behind the brand that will drive them to engage. Don't be afraid to be funny or energetic; fans respond to posts with their personality. If you have a management redes sociais dedicated, reveal who is publishing: “Joana from XPTO Negócios” always beats “XPTO Negócios”.

2. Forget the Text – focus on the image.

In June 2012, the researcher in the area of redes sociais Dan Zarella analyzed 1.3 million Facebook posts of various types and the response rate for each. Your conclusion? Photographs generate more attention and engagement than some other type of average on Facebook. More responses generate more exposure, which equals more opportunities to expand your follower base.

3. Take advantage of your contacts.

Invite your friends and business contacts to connect to your page by sending your contact list email to invite everyone to “like” your page. People with whom you or your business are familiar are much more likely to engage with your page than those with whom you have never had prior contact. This opportunity is only available for Facebook pages with 4,999 likes or less, so take advantage while you can.

4. Make your fans interesting by association.

Everyone wants to look good on Facebook – so give those who follow you what they want. Publish genuine and unique content that is relevant to your brand or business. Your fans will like, comment and share – and love you for making them look so good. Every time they share your content, their friends will have the opportunity to like your page too.

5. Don't be a mere salesman.

Use Facebook as a way to build relationships, not show off your product. If your fans like you, business will come naturally. Make interaction the goal, and never underestimate those who follow you – they like being forced on them as much as you do. If you are genuine and give without wanting to receive, your fans will respond. And then you'll be engaging fans with Facebook.