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How to create a landing page to improve your conversions

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What is a Landing Page?

Before creating a Landing Page, it is interesting to understand what it really is and why it is so often used in online advertising campaigns.

In Digital Marketing, a Landing Page is a page on your website created specifically for an advertising campaign with the aim of generating sales or obtaining more leads.

Essentially, it is the page where visitors are redirected when they click on your advertisement on Google or on different social networks.

A Landing Page, when well executed, can substantially increase your website's conversion rate. For this to happen, there are some characteristics that this page must have.

Above all, a Landing Page must have its objective very clear: the Call to Action (CTA).

This tool will be the most important aspect of the Landing Page to highlight, as it will be through this CTA that your visitors will be converted into leads. The different parts of the Landing Page will try to provide context, inform and convince visitors to use your CTA.

In the next sections of this article we will present the essential components of a successful Landing Page, as well as a best practice guide to follow when creating or improving a Landing Page for your business.

Online Advertising and your Website: Homepage vs. Landing Page

Let's take into account the investment required to successfully execute an online advertising campaign. Depending on the particularities of your business, the cost per lead can be high.

Good online advertising management can bring excellent results, but the success of these campaigns will always be conditioned by your marketing strategy at the level of your website.

Over time, we observed that many clients took the initiative to invest in advertising. And many of them complained about results far below their expectations. It's not just about investing a lot of money, it's about investing that money strategically. After studying each case, we detected a recurring problem: traffic was being misdirected.

And the pages to which this traffic was directed often bore little relation to the original message of the ads. This resulted in a high rejection rate, or bounce rate, and poor results considering the amount invested.

Directing traffic to your Homepage can actually result in generating some leads. But why not use a more efficient tool? A page optimized to receive forwarded visitors will bring better results. In the next section we will list a set of principles to follow when building a Landing Page.

If you follow these principles, you will realize that with a well-constructed page you will have a greater return on your investment. From generating a huge number of leads to lowering the cost per lead, it can be a powerful tool.

Conversion-Oriented Design Principles

There are many avenues that can be explored with regard to a Landing Page Layout and the elements that can exist on it, and these solutions depend on the particularities of your business and the nature of your website.

For example, if your business involves selling a service or a subscription, it will be more interesting to optimize the page with the aim of generating leads using a visitor data collection form.

If you have an online store and created an online advertising campaign for certain products, the structure would be aimed at optimizing that sale.

In a way, we can say that there is no universal model that can be implemented in all cases. But there are principles that must be applied in all cases regardless of your business.


Above all, this principle aims to ensure that the potential customer feels that they made a “good click”. This is achieved by maintaining a contextual relationship between the content of the advertising campaign and the featured text (the headline) of the Landing Page.

If a potential customer clicks on a link that says something like “Promotion at Store .


It may seem obvious, but we must emphasize that it is important to think about the page design in order to keep the customer's attention focused on what is really important, the Call to Action.

The information that can appear on your Landing Page will help convince undecided visitors, but it will be through the Call To Action that these visitors will be converted. Therefore, to have a successful page, this will be the centerpiece of your Landing Page.


Additional texts must be clear, concise and simple. Don't dilute the strength of your message with large blocks of text.

Considering the principle described above, keep in mind the objective of your page. Additional information and testimonials can be important, but too much can create unnecessary distractions.

Elements such as a simple list citing the advantages of the product or service you are selling and an element of customer testimonials usually bring good results.


With the Call to Action as the centerpiece, all other elements must work congruently.

If you are in doubt whether a page element should be there, if you feel that this element does not add much to your proposal and fulfills an essentially aesthetic function, it will probably be beneficial to remove that element.

Simplicity works best on a Landing Page, and this is also true when it comes to the number of links on your page. You want to direct your visitors to a specific objective, there is no great benefit in placing and highlighting links to other points on your website. This reduces the focus of your page and can make it significantly less efficient.


An essential principle particularly when dealing with indecisive visitors. Choose the most credible testimonials and their photographs and avoid using stock photographs.

Your credibility is also measured by the choices you make in your message. If you promise the obviously impossible, many potential customers may be put off. Unfortunately, the internet is full of false advertising.

It will be advantageous if you don't overly exaggerate the benefits of your product or service, the message may seem more desperate than credible. Your message should inspire, convince and resolve the main doubts of your potential customers.

Quid Pro Quo

Considering that the purpose of a Landing Page may be to collect data from potential customers or facilitate the sale of a product, think about what you can do to facilitate this process.

A time-tested technique in countless successful campaigns is to offer some consideration for the data that the potential customer provides in your CTA form, or some advantage when purchasing the product or products advertised (discount coupon, etc.). Essentially, you are exchanging something for customer information.

A perfect example of this is found on several websites that sell packs of audio tracks used in music production, almost all of them have free packs, which give a good demonstration of the quality of the service, which can be yours in exchange for your email address .


Even if your online advertising campaign is finished, this does not mean that your Landing Page has stopped bringing results. Encouraging visitors to share the page on social media can be a way to continue generating traffic.

These strategies must continue to follow the previous principle, so that people can benefit from sharing them on social media or completing an action.

At this stage it is also important to study the particularities of the traffic generated during the campaign to review any adjustments to the content if you later want to create an online advertising campaign again. This aspect can be seriously improved with good social media management.

Anatomy of a Landing Page

Lead Capture

A possible and very functional model of a Landing Page optimized to capture leads. Intuitiva suggests preferably including the following elements:

Unique Selling Proposition/USP

A main Headline that matches the ad message that the visitor clicked on
A sub-headline that reinforces the initial message
A restatement of the sales pitch to keep the potential customer’s attention and encourage them to stay on the page
A concluding argument to ensure that the potential customer has their questions or doubts resolved and ensure conversion

Hero Shot, an inspiring product presentation image or video

Benefits of your offer
Summary of benefits
More detailed explanation of benefits
Testimonials: social proof that your offer, product or service is exactly what the customer is looking for
Conversion objective (Call to Action), with a form to collect data
Lead Capture Model exemplified:

The Landing Page of Wistia, a video hosting service, is a good example of this well-executed model. Simple, elegant, effective:

Click-Through Model

Another very functional model, used most frequently in Electronic Commerce. The difference between this model and the previous one is the absence of a visitor data collection form. The concept is simple: introduce the visitor to the product, give them reasons to be interested and get them to click on the Call to Action button so that the potential customer enters the sales funnel.

The integral aspects of this model are very similar to the Lead Capture model, with one significant difference: this model does not contain a data collection form. Ideally, it doesn't even contain any other link besides the Call to Action button, and all content should be focused on increasing the likelihood of the customer taking that same action. A widely used strategy in this regard is to reduce the amount of content, in particular images, that are below the Call to Action button, to avoid having elements that distract the visitor's attention and focus them solely on the objective.

Click-Through Model exemplified:

A very good example of this format is AirBnb. This platform has created high quality Landing Pages. Brand growth and recognition is good proof of the success of your campaigns:

Why use a Landing Page on my website?

The reason is very simple: to improve your conversion rate and lower your cost per lead or per sale.

This happens because Landing Pages focus on a single objective that corresponds to the intention of the ad that your visitors clicked on to reach your page.

As we discussed above, consider again the question of preferably sending traffic to your homepage versus sending traffic to a page dedicated to optimizing conversions in relation to the ad you paid for. V

Then you realize that your homepage has a much more general role and would not fulfill that function as well.

It is loaded with information that is less relevant to the ad's intent and contains too many links to other sections of your website that will not point your potential customers in the direction promised in the ad.

Following the examples given, it is easy to see that there are many variations of the same format. Choosing the ideal format for you is just the first step, structuring information in a simple and concise way can be challenging.

In other situations, it may be more advantageous (or even essential) to write longer texts.


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