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Six steps to your social media strategy

More than 5 billion people are on at least one social network. It is now, more than ever, an absolute necessity to establish your strategy on social media.

One billion people actively use Facebook every month.

Twitter has already reached 500 million users.

Seventy-two hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.

Sixty-two percent of all adults in the world use redes sociais.

Since your customers and friends are now using social media on a daily basis, communication and marketing on these platforms is no longer a luxury. It is fundamental.

6 Steps to a Social Media Strategy for your SME

The first step in developing a strategy is to define your objectives.

Consider your entire business and marketing objectives.

Which of these translate to social media marketing? Create quantitative and qualitative objectives. For example, you might want generate more leads, then set a specific objective – “generate six leads per month in redes sociais“, “increase website traffic from Facebook by 30%” or “increase the number of followers by 1000 new monthly followers”.

In the second step you will have to choose the platforms that suit you. It's obvious that Facebook and Twitter dominate social media, but if your product or service is very visual, you might consider using Pinterest or Instagram.

The third step is to plan the categories and types of content.

If, for example, you are a public relations consultant, your content categories might include public relations tips for SMEs, news on how large companies deal with public relations crises in the media, client successes and some behind-the-scenes footage. Your types of content can include links (to your own blog and other websites too), infographics, videos with you explaining a trending topic about public relations or podcasts where you interview satisfied customers. Obviously, your types of content can and should vary depending on the social network used, as some are more suitable for a specific type of content than others.

The fourth step is to determine the publication frequency on each network.

Do research for the ones you are interested in. Create a plan to determine how often you will post.

In the fifth step you must create an editorial calendar.

We suggest you create it in Excel (or Numbers on Mac or iPad). You can prepare it in a way that makes sense to you. Plan a month in advance and define when and what you will publish each day and on which networks. This will let those who follow you know what to expect and will help them spend less time on a daily basis, as the work to be done is already defined in advance.

The sixth step is to determine who will execute your daily strategy.

Have time for gestão das redes sociais of your business so that you can achieve the defined objectives? If not, you may need hire a social media manager.

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